Measure around the smallest part of your body.
Low hipMeasure around the widest part of your hips and buttocks.
InseamMeasure from the top of your inner thigh to your heel.
Measure around the fullest part of your body.
WaistMeasure around the smallest part of your body.
Measure around the top of your pelvis (about 10 cm / 4 inches below your waist).
Measure around the smallest part of your body.
Low hipMeasure around the widest part of your hips and buttocks.
InseamMeasure from the top of your inner thigh to your heel.
ChestMeasure around the fullest part of your body.
WaistMeasure around the smallest part of your body.
High HipMeasure around the top of your pelvis (about 10 cm / 4 inches below your waist).